About this site
In the age of character limits and filters and generative AI, I've been left feeling nostalgic for the era of LiveJournal and forums. It felt like a much more innocent era where people would learn basic HTML and tinker around with their homepages for fun. Content these days seems to be driven by a need for engagement, heavily optimised for clicks and sharing metrics rather than people unselfconsciously rambling on about topics they enjoy. Hence, Cactus Flamingo was born - a space where I share some of my boring and authentic thoughts on tech, learning, software engineering and life. It might not be the most interesting, but it's a small act of rebellion and it's mine!
About me
I'm Meg, and I'm a software engineer who loves working with teams to deliver great quality software. My career focused on quality engineering for nearly a decade before I officially transitioned into development. But what I actually do is broadly the same - I work in a team to figure out how to build reliable software wrapped in gorgeous tests while having fun along the way.
As an honorary Yorkshirewoman, I enjoy long walks in nature, hugging trees, running in mostly crap weather and dragging my bike up hills so I can roll back down again. I've got a soft spot for PS1-era gaming, and can sometimes be found in front of a CRT replaying Crash Bandicoot again.